Statistics and analysis

In this section you can find data about the requests to access information made trough Portal of the Transparency, data about the inspections, cases presented by requesters of information , and information decisions made by CPLT that had been disputed in court.

This data is available in a format that will allow you to explore, select and cross-reference the information according to your needs and interests. Additionally, you will be able to share and download the databases.

Information about the cases

In this section you can find the number of cases presented to CPLT, what kind of institution receives more complaints, types of cases, their geographic location, among others.

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Data about CPLT's decisions brougth to court

In this section you can find information about the appeals presented in Court, types of appeals, types of sentences, Courts and their geographic location among others.

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Oversight Information

This section allows you to access the results of the oversight activities held by CPLT regarding information requests and Active Transparency.

TA Requests

Information Access Requests Data (SAI)

In this section you can find data about the information requests done at national level, the requested response, the progress of the requests, and geographical distribution by region.

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Lobby Data

According to law N° 20.730 that regulates lobby, it is the obligation of the Council for Transparency to made available the registers of the public agenda and the systematized payroll of lobbyists and agents of personal interests.

Evolution Matters of Hearing Reasons for Traveling

Probity Data

According to the law N° 20.880 about Probity in the Public and Conflicts of Interests Prevention, the Council for Transparency must provide citizens with relevant information regarding the assests and interests of specific authorities.

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