What information can I request?

Any information created with public budget

You can request

  • The acts and decisions of public institutions, their fundaments, the documents that support and complement them, and the procedures for their application.
  • All the information created with public budget, whatever the format or support, excluding the exceptions considered in the Transparency Law.

There is a presumption that all this informationis public. However, this right is not unlimited, and the law determines specific classified information.

Which information is the most frequently requested by means of the Transparency Law?

Here we give you some request examples:

Copy of building permits granted in my neighborhood.

Reasons why I was not selected for receiving education benefits.

Necessary permits for commercial activities or alcohol sale.

Copies of contracts and their amounts between the municipality and specific companies.

To know the benefits and subsidies I can apply for.

Documents I must present to apply for housing benefits

Budget assigned to the local hospital and how many specialists work there.

The article 8 of the Constitution of the Republic considers 4 situations in which the required body or service can deny giving the information.

These cases relate to publicity, communication or knowledge of the information requested that could affect:

Proper fulfillment of the functions of the required body

  • Crime investigation
  • Record or deliberation before a verdict (public afterwards)
  • Generic Nature or high number of administrative proceedings

People's Privacy

  • Safety
  • Health
  • Private life
  • Trade-related nature

Nation’s security

  • National defense
  • Public order
  • Public security

National interest

  • Public health
  • International relations
  • Economics
  • Commercial Interests

Check the article 21 for further information on the Transparency Law.

Cases where citizens used the Transparency Law