Statistics and analysis

In this section you can find data about the requests to access information made trough Portal of the Transparency, data about the inspections, cases presented by requesters of information , and information decisions made by CPLT that had been disputed in court. This data is available in a format that will allow you to explore, …

What should I do if I am not satisfied?

Everybody has the right to ask  for  publicinformation. If you do not get an answer within 20 business days or if the answer is not satisfactory, you have the right to file a complaint with the Transparency Council. If you are not satisfied with the answer from the body because: You did not receive an …

How can I access the information I need?

Every person can request and receive information from any public institution. There are two ways to exercise that right: Active Transparency: the permanent access to information on the websites of the government agencies. Right of Access to information: The responsibility that government agencies have to receive requests for information and provide it, unless there is …

What information can I request?

You can request The acts and decisions of public institutions, their fundaments, the documents that support and complement them, and the procedures for their application. All the information created with public budget, whatever the format or support, excluding the exceptions considered in the Transparency Law. There is a presumption that all this informationis public. However, …

What is the Transparency law?

The Transparency Law recognizes the Right to Access Public Information.   This right allows any person to access public information, that means information in the hands of the public administration.